Read: Genesis 2:18-23; Psalm 4:4-12; Psalm 133:1-3; Hebrews 10:25

This week we will wrap up our final discussion, specifically focusing on Christian responsibilities related to fellowship. 

It is our individual responsibility to get to know one another in a more meaningful and sincere way.

If were honest, we would agree that some of us only know even those in your own church on a surface level and it’s no wonder why the moments and interactions we have with one another are frequently odd, phony, and awkward, leaving us speechless when we are around one another.  That has to change and we must be the catalyst for that change.

We have to pursue and cultivate a closer relationship with other believers in and outside of our own churches and consider…

  1. Relationships are built overtime;
  2. Relationships have levels and we must accept that our relationships are not all on the same level; and
  3. We need friends and we need to be a friend to someone.

We can’t fake it until we make it, neither should we feel as if we have to walk on eggshells…it hurts too many people along the way

If you feel distant or disconnected from the church fellowship or any other fellowship, consider this that part of the problem is or may just be you…if you bring nothing to the table don’t expect to take anything home with you.

We have to be willing to die daily and to make personal sacrifices preferring others over yourself.

When we feel the closet to God it is usually the result of us drawing closer to Him (James 4:8) and the same applies to our fellowship with one another.

In conclusion….let me admonish, encourage, and warn all of you:

  • We can’t have proper fellowship if we are not walking in the light of Christ (1 John 1:6-7);
  • We must have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness nor with devils (Ephesians 5:11 & 2 Cor 6:14-18);
  • We must choose not to willfully do things that offend or create walls in fellowship, but instead be a woman of remarkable character and integrity, be a woman of God that others truly enjoy being around;
  • We must let brother love continue;
  • We must make a very conscious effort to keep the bond of unity which is ONENESS and UNAMITY!!!

To walk in the light of Christ we must:

  • Not lie to one another or nor be dishonest
  • Not stand between 2 opinions
  • Not be jealous, covetous or envious
  • Not sow discord
  • Not be a false witness
  • Not manipulate
  • Not hold grudges or unforgiveness

If we all do our part to cultivate and fortify fellowship it becomes an incentive to us, more like a reward and we will in turn do what is necessary to reap the benefits of it. 

Finally, we must cultivate a relationship that is strong, shatterproof, unbreakable, and filled with the anointing of God.

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