Read: Matthew 6:5-15 and Matthew 18:15-35

Today we are embarking on a topic that is like a fashion “faux pas” or better yet a subject that many feel shouldn’t even be brought up in the church.  That topic is “Forgiveness”.

Our approach towards others must always be done in a spirit of love and kindness and likewise our words must be seasoned with grace [Colossians 4:6].  However, it’s time out for being elusive, politically correct about our issues, or putting blinders on by avoiding and ignoring the topic because the more it goes unaddressed the worse it gets.  Unforgiveness is not one of those problems that fix itself over time, nor is it like a human cell that repairs/heals itself from damage intuitively but rather “Forgiveness” MUST BE ADDRESSED and FACED HEAD ON!!!

We are going to take our time in this topic to ensure that every woman of God who will read this blog series has the truth concerning forgiveness and unforgiveness and the biblical instruction and tools to be healed and delivered.   

Matthew Ch. 6 [aka The Lord’s Prayer] is quoted very often both in and outside the church.  When people don’t know how to pray or what to pray they default on citing this prayer.  Considering the level of indecency that exists in our interpersonal relationships with other believers, let alone our family and others in the world, it is clear to me that we as “so-called Christians” tend to gloss over verses 12, 14 and 15. 

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

We have forgotten that Jesus in no way will pardon our sins and trespasses for us to make it to heaven while at the same time allowing us to be hypocritical by holding on to others trespasses made against us.  To make it clear, if we want Jesus to forgive us of our own sins we must forgive others and that is non-negotiable. 

All too many of us have been misled to think that repentance and being baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus is all that we have to do to make it to heaven and that the buck stops there.  My question to those who think that way is what then is the purpose of all the other parts of the bible that teach us how to live as a true believers and Saints of God and how to love others by His example?

We look like we just stepped out of the latest fashion catalog, were dressed well, smelling good but inwardly we are physically sick, broken, aching, wounded, troubled, disturbed, insecure, worried, on edge and angry all because unforgiveness has occupied our heart “rent free”.  We need a release, the strength to walk on and the ability to disregard the trespasses of others with love in the same manner by which we expect it to be done for us. 

This week I encourage you to make some extra “Prayer and Selah” time with the Lord to ponder these scriptures more deeply.  Consider where you are on the forgiveness spectrum and ask the Lord to open your opens to His truth.

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