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READ: 1 Samuel 25:1-38

Abigail was her name, a woman of good understanding and of a beautiful countenance (verse 3).  You know the patient and kind wife of Nabal, the stupid wealthy man from down the way. 

However the marriage came about Nabal, a foolish man by reputation scored with Abigail.  What was it about him that made her say “yes”?  Was it an arranged marriage?  Maybe she was pressured into the marriage by her parents.  Was it his money, his charm, or better yet was it simply the grace of God working in Nabal’s life to bless him with such a woman who had more wisdom and understanding then he?

It is unknown of all that she may have suffered and endured in the marriage but what we do know is that the Lord had equipped her for this role.  

In 1 Samuel 25, scripture records an encounter where David sent ten young men to go and peaceably greet Nabal in his name.  They were to inform Nabal of how his Shepherds were being protected by David and his men in hopes that Nabal would provide sustenance to them.

In verses 10-11, Nabal answered David’s servants, and said, “Who is David? and who is the son of Jesse? there be many servants now a days that break away every man from his master. Shall I then take my bread, and my water, and my flesh that I have killed for my shearers, and give it unto men, whom I know not whence they be?”

As a sidebar, I wish to call to your remembrance that David was anointed to be king however, he had not yet officially taken office because King Saul was still alive.  That being said, David the new anointed king was a type of Christ, and represented the judgment of God, the anger and wrath of God and the mercy of God in this chapter. 

The response of a foolish man is always careless and never considerate of the consequences that result from their actions.  The scripture says in Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1 “the fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” and we wonder how can a man say that there is no God when His wonderful works are ever present in the earth?

How can a man, being an Israelite himself not know who David was and not know of the prophectic, judicial and kingly anointing that was upon his life?  How did he not know of Goliath of Gath being taken down by 1 stone?  Nabal knew who David was, he was just being smart aleck.  Nabal knew of David.  All Israel and people in surrounding nations had heard of David.

You see, we have a growing problem in our nation.  Sin is our main problem but then we also have the problem of pride, prejudice, discord, rebellion, sedition, and dissension.  There are a lot of people even so-called Christians who have been bitten by hate and who are guilty of holding hatred in their hearts for not only world leaders but some even hate the good pastors who watch for their souls. 

Foolish men are unable to guard or defend the territory of their hearts and this is why just like Nabal, the matters of their heart manifests itself so indecently by the things they say, the things they do and even the things you see posted on their social media pages. 

Truth is many of our world leaders are just like Nabal, they are wealthy fools, they are wicked men and women with influence in low and high places, they are liars and cheaters, they are sinners headed to a Christ-less grave.  Just because they lack moral integrity does it give the Saints of God, those who are called to walk in the Spirit, a license to curse them, despise them, and talk about them to their face or behind their backs?  Do we have a right to willfully omit them from our prayers?

How are we demonstrating the character of Abigail by showing a measure of the grace of God to the foolish and to those who lack proper understanding?

How did Daniel deal with King Nebuchadnezzar and King Darius?  Did he spread negative words about them amongst the children of Israel and to those in the palace or did he pray and intercede?  What about Moses, Joseph, Nehemiah, Ezra, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Samuel, the Apostles and others?

Her presence and the peaceful disposition she carried, spoke volumes about her willingness to put her own life at risk not knowing how David would respond to her nor if he would accept the offering.  You see, Abigail knew what kind of man she married and she made no excuses for who he really was. Instead she became the grace of God to him entreating David for mercy. 

We know that David was angry and perhaps going to take action that he would’ve sorely regretted later.  Had she not come with an offering of food figuratively speaking of an offering to God of prayers, supplications and intercessions, that day was going to be a very bloody day and the presence of sweet Abigail would’ve likely been no more. 

The grace of God is multi-dimensional and not solely for the benefit of the righteous but in the right conditions sinners are blessed by the grace of God and most times they don’t even know it.  She knew what to present before David and she knew that she needed to act quickly yet strategic before it was too late.  Do you know what to present before King Jesus?

As Saints of God we are to plead to the Lord in prayer, supplication, intercession and fasting for all of our leaders even for the wonderful pastors whom you love so dearly.  When we do these things we show ourselves to be those who stand in the gap of the impending judgment that awaits the wicked.  We stand in the gap as an additional covering for our pastors who are on the front lines helping souls come out of darkness into the light of Jesus Christ.  And in case you didn’t know sometimes standing in the gap for others is also for the benefit and salvation of your own soul. 

We must turn our distaste and distrust of the Nabal’s of our day into effectual and fervent prayer for them.  God is looking for true Saints to represent His Holy name.  It is an affront to God for us to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, be filled with His Holy Spirit, yet cling to disobedience and to hold biases and hatreds in our heart for the souls in which God has created.  If no else is willing to do the work of the Lord, if no one else is willing to show the grace of God to another, you and I must be willing to.   

We must bring an acceptable offering to God.  

Thank God for Abigails!

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