Sometimes it is hard to grasp that a bible toting, scripture quoting Christian can have inner struggles with this thing called “vengeance”.  Being the humans that we are, when we have been wronged or offended in some way there is a natural tendency for an inner desire to arise that justice be served immediately on our behalf.  We even go so far as to take matters into our own hands not realizing that we are trying to justify ourselves in the eyes of others or prove a point.  Recently, I was guilty of such a mindset when trying to figure out how to deal with some things that were said to me. 

I spent a lot of mental time and energy pondering the situation and trying to determine the best way to handle it, “righteously”.  I prayed about it, sought counsel from fellow believers and went so far as to catalog my thoughts in the form of a letter thinking it would bring the issue to resolution.  While writing can be a good source of prayer journaling, or releasing anxiety, pain, and frustrations, God was showing me that the contents of the letter was really my own way of taking a jab at those who had wronged me and was not necessary.  I did not obtain such revelation on my own and it was not until I spoke to my pastor about it that I felt the conviction of the Lord and the lightbulb came on that I was really seeking vengeance.  There is a fine line between justification and vengeance when left in the hands of mankind to pursue.

I want to give you a little food for thought about this thing called “vengeance” as a means to warn you to guard your heart with all diligence.  To level set…

Vengeance means to grudge, i.e., avenge or punish, avenge, punish, revenge (self) (see Strong’s H5358).

This word was first used in Genesis 4:15 in reference to Cain.  There it states “And the LORD said unto him, therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.”  God was sending an early message to mankind that vengeance belongs to Him and that anyone (whether a sinner or Saint) who seeks to pursue vengeance is stepping into a role that only belongs to God.

Romans 12:19 says “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord”.  How does this scripture minister to your heart today? 

Vengeance that is unfiltered, unrestrained and misguided is a deceptive behavior and can cause anyone to think that they are noble in their pursuit of vengeance when their heart really means to do harm.  We cannot seek to justify ourselves in the eyes of people.  Doing things to try to clear our name or protect our reputation can lead us in the path of seeking vengeance for ourselves.  We cannot covertly plan and plot ways in which we can defend ourselves against things that are wrongfully done to us, we must leave room for the Lord to work.  

When the Lord works the outcome is always right.