Consider the times we are in where evil and lawlessness abounds, many are in bondage to sin, men’s hearts are failing them, the sovereignty of our nation is eroding, and biblical truth and biblical worldview is under great persecution.  In times like these we need women who are pure in heart, obedient, fearless, full of faith, full of the Spirit of God, willing to put their lives on the line for a righteous cause.  To know the times we are in, we have to stay connected to God, pray, study/meditate on the Word of God, seek His face, and hear the preached Word regularly.  We must have awareness of what is going on by allowing the discerning power of the Holy Spirit to speak to us.  We must consider the world is in perilous times (fierce and treacherous) and that every day we live on earth it is in enemy territory.  We cannot be oblivious to these evil happenings, and we must walk in wisdom and the knowledge of God endeavoring to become what God wants us to be.  We must strive to live in the perfect will of God.

As we continue our study series, Esther Chapter 2 opens with King Ahasuerus (after his wrath had been appeased) remembering Vashti, what she had done and what was decreed against her.  All of King Ahasuerus’ actions noted in Esther Chapter 1 appear to be fueled by intoxication which is not an ideal state of mind and heart to make major life altering decisions.  This is a good reminder that our actions have a tremendous impact on the lives of others.

Realizing the consequences of his actions and likely feeling a sense of remorse, King Ahasuerus appointed servants to seek for a fair young virgin as Queen Vashti’s replacement.  In this process, the goal was to identify as many virgins as possible who could be groomed as a suitable candidate for the seat of the new queen.  The criteria for this young woman as noted in Esther Chapter 2:2-3 included the following:

  • She was to be fair – that is beautiful
  • She was to be young – an age defined according to the custom/laws
  • She was to be a virgin – having no prior experience or sexual relations with a man
  • She was to undergo a time of purification (12 months total, 6 months with oil of myrrh and 6 months with sweet odours and with other things for purifying of the women)

This young woman was to go through a time of preparation before she could become a candidate of choice for the king.  There was something different about Esther.  It was as if from the moment she was brought into the custody of Hegai that she obtained kindness of him (Esther 2:9).  She was immediately shown favor being provided the things for purification to include 7 maidens from the king’s house.  The scripture says “Hegai preferred her and her maidens unto the best place of the house of the women”.  In other words, he elevated her to another place in the palace and doubled what she would have already been entitled to.  Clearly what he saw in Esther was more than just outward beauty. 

Let’s consider the symbolism of the criteria for a new queen in comparison to God’s requirements and standards for those who will walk with Him and serve in ministry.

King Ahasuerus’ criteria was of the flesh (focused on the outward appearance) but God’s requirements and standards are of the Spirit (focused on purifying the inner man).  God’s requirements and standards are higher and stem from a moral law.  He looks for a humble and obedient vessel to do His will.  Because Esther had such a heart she was chosen above the many other women in the palace.  By His sovereignty this young orphan girl, obscure and insignificant in the eyes of others was raised to the forefront and selected as queen for such a time as this.  Choosing Esther as queen ushered in a mass deliverance of the people of Israel.  The times that they were in was characterized by bondage, uncertainty, sadness, fear, shame, and moral degradation.  The people needed to not only be delivered from the natural bondage but they needed spiritual deliverance and a reason to hope again.  Esther was that vessel through which the Lord allowed such deliverance to take place.  Here we see that God does not choose as man chooses neither is He moved by a person’s wealth, circle of influence, outward beauty, skill, stamina, talents or charisma (See 1 Samuel 16:6-7).  

For a deeper study on God’s requirements and standards download the study guide (click here).

You can spend all the money you have fixing your hair, buying the finest perfumes, exercising 7 days a week, nipping, tucking, snipping all the body parts you have, putting on makeup, eye lashes, thickening your brows, tending to your nails and feet and topping it off with the nicest outfit combination your money can buy but this alone will never deal with the inner heart.  These things do not prove us to be worthy of God’s call neither do they qualify us to be used of God and chosen by Him.  

We are dealing with a very damaging epidemic in the Christian faith of individuals being self-appointed or inappropriately chosen leaders of congregations and ministries.  We also have a major problem with how people are discipled as new believers in Christ and with how alleged “seasoned Christians” have interpreted God’s requirements and standards for their life, family and the ministries they are affiliated with.  People are being chosen because of their outward appearance and charisma however, their character is not being tested or properly vetted.  Instead of following the Word of God we have created a low bar of criteria of what it means to be a believer in Christ, exalting our criteria above the Word of God.  This has created a great compromise resulting in people not knowing what God really requires of them, ultimately leading others down a path of deception.  They begin to adopt a presumptuous mindset of anything goes with God and they never seem to ask or seek out what the biblical requirements and standards are for a people who will walk with God.  Many cannot discern the times we are in nor are able to articulate the Biblical response necessary for these times.  

As women of God, we must understand what God requires of us.  The Word of God contains the requirements and standards by which we will be evaluated and judged.  The basic requirements and standards for both new and seasoned Believers in Christ, include but is not limited to:

  • Follow God’s biblical plan of salvation which includes:
    • Hearing the Word of God (Romans 10)
    • Believing on Him *by faith (John 3, John 11, Hebrew 10)
    • Confessing sin (1 John 1:9, Romans 10)
    • Repenting of sin (Luke 13, Acts 17)
    • Baptism (Mark 16, Luke 3:21, Acts 2, Matthew 28, Acts 19)
    • Receiving the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3)
    • Loving and obeying God (Deuteronomy 6)
  • Faithfully living holy until the end which includes:
    • Continual obedience
    • Studying and meditating on the Word of God
    • Living holy which is to abstain from sin 
    • Walking in the fruits of the Spirit
    • Having a prayer life 
    • Fasting
    • Continual separation from the world
    • Serving others
    • Evangelizing/spreading the gospel
    • Disciplining others who come into the faith
    • Church attendance and fellowship with other Believers 
  • Fulfilling the call of God for your life

The world may have their own criteria for what and who they deem to be acceptable, but let us remember God’s requirements and standards which are higher and of the Spirit.  We cannot choose as the world chooses.  We cannot prefer what the world prefers.  We must keep the bar high, the plumbline of God’s standard leveled with the Word of God and visible for the world to see in plain sight.  The world needs to know what God requires and how they may please Him.  The world needs to see true Believers in Christ standing on the right side of right and not playing the middle field to fit in.  We cannot be found pleasing in the sight of God while at the same time trying to please the world.  

When you consider the qualifications King Ahasuerus had for the new queen, there is much to be said about the fact that he didn’t want some floozy, gold digging, excessively head-strong women occupying the seat of queen.  He was looking for a submissive woman who was pure and pleasing to the eye.  He needed someone that would not be rebellious as Queen Vashti.  If the world has enough sense in some instances to look for a woman who is of a more upstanding character how much more should we as Believers in Christ be compelled to do likewise based on the commandments from the Word of God. 

To know the times, we are in requires us to spend more time in God’s presence with our ear to the ground hearing what He has to say.  The times that we are in requires leaders who are bold, fearless and confident in the God they serve, leaders who will stand in faith through some of the harshest and difficult times of life.  Just as God chose Esther as queen to help her people, He wants to do even greater works in us to bring about a mass deliverance of those held in bondage to sin.  He is not finish.  God is also looking for people who are pure in heart, pleasing to His eyes and submissive to Him.  

Stay tuned for Part 3!

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