READ: Psalm 73, Matthew 6:33 and 22:36-38

Putting all religiosity aside, have you ever really made this personal and meditated on “why drawing near to the Lord is good for you?”  Have you ever wondered why at times it seems so hard to do the things that we’re supposed to do?  The things that are good for us the things that benefit us most.  Such as exercising, budgeting, eating healthy, or better yet praying, fasting, and studying and meditating on the Word.

As much as we’d like to put the blame on the devil, we must take ownership and admit that it’s us, meaning it is our flesh that is weak, rebellious and unwilling to do that which is good and right in the sight of the Lord.  It is no secret that in this flesh no good thing dwells (Romans 7:18).  However, with the Spirit and by the Spirit of God we are new, we are clean, we are whole, and through Christ we have been made the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).  Praise God that those who are born again of both the water and the Spirit have power to command this flesh to obey and to submit, In Jesus’ Name.

Too many of “supposed” Christians are satisfied with surface level and status quo religion, satisfied with only knowing the Lord through the eyes and perspective of their pastor, their parents, the televangelist or others whom they respect or idolize; rather than knowing the Lord through a personal relationship with Him.  Such relationship is attainable for anyone who draws near to Him with a sincere heart.  We would be foolish to not want to know Him more.

We may not be as close to our family, our loved ones, our neighbors, our friends, our children, or our spouses as we’d like to be but it is far better for us to draw nearer to God.  While it may not be the popular thing to do, in the long run we will be glad we choose to put God first and to seek Him.  If we get our relationship right with the Lord it will have an effect on our relationship with others.  We must accept that the more we learn of Him, the closer we get to Him the more He speaks to us, the more He expects of us.  When we get closer to the Lord, bitterness has to go, jealously, covetousness, unforgiveness, insecurities, doubt, procrastination, and anything else not pleasing to God has to flee.

Distractions will come, tests, trials, persecution and tribulation will come for the purpose of our growth and stability in this faith, and so that He may be glorified.  We cannot be truly filled with His Holy Spirit and ride the waves of mediocrity as they are a stark contrast to one another like light from darkness and like oil and water.

As we draw nearer to Him our relationships with others and our genuine love towards them will be tested.  Our faith, patience and temperance will be tested.  Our understanding and knowledge of His Word will be tested.  We will be tested by fire, meaning if there be any falsehood, error, deception, misunderstandings, discord, disagreement, unforgiveness and the like in our doctrine, in our relationships, in our acts of charity, He will burn that which is corrupt away.  That which remains, will be all that has withstood the fire…evidence of that which is genuine, that which is good for us. 

So back to the question I asked in the beginning, “why is drawing near to the Lord good for you”.  First, it is His desire that we be close to Him.  He desires for our love to be perfect towards Him.  A love for Him that is above all other things (Matthew 6:33; Matthew 22:36-38).

Second, He encourages us to seek Him while He may be found; which is a reminder that there is an appointed time, a grace period to which He is personally available to you and I (Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Isaiah 55:6).  We must likewise teach our children to draw near to Him.

Third, it is good for us to draw near because it puts our thinking, goals, ambitions, intentions, and motives into the right perspective.  It helps us to see and know what is important to Him.   

Fourth, drawing near teaches us how to pray.  It teaches us how to have focus in prayer and to be specific in our prayers. 

Fifth, drawing near guards us from the attacks of our enemy the Devil and places a covering over us (Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 91:1-16).

Sixth, it produces in us the heart of God and the mind of God so that we may walk perfect and upright before Him and so that He may give us revelation for the one that needs a word from the Lord. 

My friends; the body of Christ desperately needs the heart and mind of God if we are going to be able to reach the lost and truly disciple them as He has commanded us to.  We must make time for Him, time to hear from Him and less time trying to get Him to align His divine will with our plans.  We have to know His voice and discern when He is speaking, directing, commanding, and leading. 

We’re not going to learn how to draw near by osmosis just because were around spiritual people.  We’re not going to get it from theological books and seminary.  We’re not going to get it from doing key word searches on the internet, YouTube nor any other social media outlet.  And in some cases depending on where one regularly attends church we will not get it from the preacher, minister, or teacher who is not filled with His Holy Spirit. 

The solution is going back to the basics of that which always worked from the beginning: prayer, preaching, fasting, genuine fellowship amongst the Saints from house 2 house and praying some more. 

May we be women who respond to the call to Draw Near.

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