Read: Exodus 3:5; Acts 7:33; 1 Peter 1:16

For a moment I’d like for you to think about all the types of ground you’ve walked on with and without shoes.  Certain types of ground seem to be appropriate for tennis shoes, boots, flats, heels, sandals, slippers, and flip flops while other ground is suitable for your bare feet.  Yet there is ground we would prefer to not walk on with or without shoes on such as muddy ground. 

Our hearts are like soil (a type of ground).  The soul is seated in the heart and consists of the will, the emotions, and the mind.  It is the place where the issues of life flow from. 

One Sunday morning while we were ministering the song “Bow Down and Worship Him” it was as if the Holy Spirit was filling the space in the sanctuary with a heavy anointing to the point where there was a unified worship unto the Lord.  I recall that day very well because as we were singing the Lord spoke to me by revelation that our heart is holy ground.  Our soul is holy ground.  Our mind is holy ground.  Our tests, trials, tribulations, and sufferings are holy ground and because of that the enemy must back up.  He further showed me in this service a vision of two large doors and gray smoke.  There was an altar before him where people were kneeling before His presence and the two doors opened and there came more smoke slowly rushing in towards those who worshipped ultimately filling the room.

Now let me pause here by saying that it may not be a profound revelation to you but I can be honest by saying it was an eye opener and a truth that I had not understood the way the Lord revealed it.  We often sing songs in church that we don’t understand the meaning of or that we don’t actually mean ourselves.  A lot of songs just sound good.  Think about it, if you sing the words of the song “Bow Down and Worship Him”, you’ve probably also concluded in your mind that words like “this is holy ground” is talking about or limited to concrete pavement, blacktop, tile floor, carpet or some other type of visible hard surface to which you may plant your physical feet on. 

The songs we sing must reach the eternal realm, that holy place.  They ought to be fresh, holy, and relevant to that which the Lord is imparting right now.  I am amazed at how the Lord so eloquently reveals spiritual truths unto us.  He reveals truth in such a way that we are not exploited or embarrassed unless we make ourselves to be proud know-it-all Saints.  Rather, He reveals Himself to those who seek Him and to those who are humble.

The instrument in which we praise Him (for what He has done) and worship Him (for who He is) must be holy.  Our vessel, this temple must be holy.  Everything in us must be holy, anointed, and genuine.  Everything we do must be to please Him.

The Lord wants our hearts to be fertile and holy ground, ground that can be easily plowed, tilled, and sown into so that His virtue; and His fruits may spring forth from us in due season.  Who does your heart belong to today?

The Lord does not want ground that has gone rancid, stale, dried up, covered in weeds, but ground that is freshly mowed, freshly tilled, watered and tended to.  You can’t pay someone else to be the groundskeeper of your own heart.  You can’t ignore the signs of an unkept heart, the signs of a soul that is caught in the tangled web of carnality.  

When I was growing up, I really never understood why my mother and grandmother would often take hot soapy water, pour it on our small porch and with the broom scrub and sweep the ground for it to be cleaned.  It seemed like more water seeped into the grass or simply went wasted.  However, looking back I see the purpose, they wanted their little area even the ground to look like something, to be presentable and to do what they could to take care of what was entrusted in their care. 

If you’re a sister who is pondering if this is worth it, if holiness really matters in the big scheme of things let me point you back to the Word of God.  He has commanded us to keep our hearts with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23-27).  Holiness is the way of life for the believer.  It is a state of mind and a character trait that every believer must have.  Holiness is the normal condition and first nature for those who will follow Christ.  It is more unnatural for you and I to be unholy than it is for us to be holy.  It is natural and acceptable for us to desire more of God and to inquire of the Lord.     

Moses is a great example to us not only in how we ought to seek the presence of the Lord but also in how we ought to obey the voice of the Lord.  In Exodus 3:1-5, we see that the Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses as a flame of fire out of the midst of the burning bush.  This awesome presence caused him to inquire as to why the bush was burning but not consumed.  As Moses turned in the direction of the bush the Lord immediately spoke to him in the midst of the burning bush to let him know that he must “put off” his shoes.  

In other words, you can’t go any further in Christ until you let go of all the things of this world.  The term “put off” implies; plucking off, drop, cast out, loose, strip, deny, disassociate and separate.  

In modern day vernacular Moses got rid of the things that represented the sinful memories of his past.  He dropped some bad habits, eliminated ungodly amusements, denied himself of those pleasures that did not profit.  He disassociated himself from people and things that were a stumbling block and hindrance to his relationship with the Lord.  He separated himself from rebels and those who chose to live carnally-minded.  God meant business with Moses and there was no time for play or hesitation.  The shoes were a spiritual representation for the heart and soul. 

Because Moses wanted more of God the commandment was not a burden.  He didn’t wrestle in his mind on what to do, he simply obeyed.  Oh how we need to set our hearts to obey God.  

Out of a life of obedience to God, holiness will flow and flourish within us.  Obedience brings us into God’s holiness.  It produces pure worship and grants us access to the deep things of God. 

When God speaks to you out the fire of His presence what are you going to do?  When He gives the commandment from His holy place are you going to obey?

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One Comment

  1. Praises unto God! Hi!! This message; this loving and friendly reminder about Our Holy Ground that God give and provides for every true believer is such grace given and shown through the revelation shown to you and shared for the Glory of God. The mere fact that we are reminded that its more natural to be Holy then not Holy indicates our father that we resemble nlo because of our new nature as we are in the likeness and image of God. How by example and the power and strength and dependence of God we can obtain through humility and child-like faith. Thanks for sharing your Blog it was indeed inspiring and invigorating to my soul.

    For the Love of God; By HIS Grace,
    Servant Evg. Tonya Hunter

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