READ: John 3:25-30 and James 1:8; 4:8

Happy New Year to my lovely sisters in Christ! I pray all is well with each of you. 

As some of you may know there is a little bit of increase taking place in my home, as we will be welcoming a new family member in the next couple of days or weeks and you know how that goes with trying to clean house, organize, work, and rest at 9 months pregnant.  Nevertheless, I wanted to share with you what I believe is a timely word from the Lord in hopes that it will help propel you into a new place in your walk with Him.

I’ve been taking a little mental inventory of the headline stories in the news from social media outlets, YouTube, and even from what we hear through the grapevine and it is clear to me that our society has drifted even further away from the things that are most important in life and that which pursues Christ.

The headlines are dominated by what President Trump has said or is doing, racial and social tension, wild fires blazing in California, accusations of sexual misconduct, the upcoming wedding and how the Brits feel about Prince Harry’s bi-racial fiancé, or better yet which gospel, rock, or contemporary Christian artist can sing Good, Good Father, Way Maker, My Hallelujah, or any other top of the charts Christian song in the most spiritual or sultry way.  But in all of this, none of it brings glory and honor to Christ and none of it brings us to a place of humility where we are able to receive the riches of Christ.

In John 3:25-30, the scripture records the account of John the Baptist answering questions regarding baptism and the fact that someone else (Jesus) was also baptizing and drawing men unto Him.  This led John the Baptism to clarify prophetically that he is not the Christ but rather was sent before Him as the “forerunner”.  What I find to be very profound about this is the statement he makes in verse 30, “He must increase, but I must decrease”.  In our current times, such humility almost seems to be non-existent amongst many in the body of Christ (let alone the secular world) because we have forgotten that without Him we are nothing and we think more highly of ourselves and of others than we ought to.

Christ must be enlarged, become greater in the world, greater in you, greater in me and His (not our) followers must grow to advance His kingdom agenda.  This requires us to humble ourselves. 

If you and I will do so, it will ultimately produce the character of Christ in us in such a way that the Lord has no reason not to bless us and to hear and answer our prayers.  

Christ must be formed in us, not the mannerisms, ways, and sayings of this culture, our pastors, first ladies, or of others in positions of influence; but that of Christ.  We don’t need to idolize anyone and if there is anyone we want to be like it ought to be Christ, as one of his faithful disciples.  This is newness of life. 

It must be all about His way, His Word, His nature, His Spirit, His gifts and callings, His will, plan, and purpose, His righteousness, His life, His commandments, His laws, His testimonies, His precepts and His statutes.  Anything less than that; would not be His best for us. 

We have to start pulling ourselves back from the mainstream entertainment, from the fast lane, the in-crowd and spend more time seeking the Lord in prayer, fellowship with other women of like faith, fasting, meditation and reading/studying of His word. 

We can’t be what He has called us to be without effort, diligence, and some spiritual sweat equity.  If we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:8).  We weren’t made to compete with the culture of today.  Why waste our time trying to live a semi-worldly life and a semi-Christian life?  We have to choose one way, we can’t serve 2 masters (Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13), and we can’t lead a double life (James 1:8).  It has to be all or nothing for Christ.   

Let Him be magnified, exalted, and enlarged by the life you live, by what you say and by what you do. 

By doing so, you will find yourself increasing in every aspect of your life.  The chains of hurt, poverty and lack, rejection, unforgiveness, sickness and disease, barrenness, low self-esteem, insecurities, doubts, and fears, etc.…being broken all in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ.

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One Comment

  1. Awesome word! If Christ may Increase. that I may decrease! Living in a world of distractions, darkness, and disharmony a sure way to allow Christ to increase is for me to simply get out of the way and put Christ ahead of EVERYTHING!!

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