Read: Proverbs 15:4; Proverbs 15:8; and 2 Corinthians 10:1-5

The world is in both a natural and a spiritual war…a controversy over power, policy, human rights, race, relation, religion, and doctrine.  The word of God reminds us in Ephesians 6:12 that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.

It’s bigger than white cops killing black men, bigger than gang violence, bigger than so-called inequality in healthcare and housing, bigger than terrorism, bigger than abortion, bigger than racism, bigger than social inequality and bigger than any other issue one can think of that is plaguing the lives of people in the world.

There is still a devil, you know the one whom they call Satan, the prince of this world the one who has a long standing ought against the holy One, the Creator.  Not only does he hate God but he hates all those who name the name of Christ. 

Let me remind you that this is not the time for the Saints of God to buckle and fold but rather to strap our boots, gird our waists and arm ourselves with the spiritual weapons given to the church which is the body of Christ.  God is looking for soldiers; ones who take a stand and defend the territory and fight until every enemy have been taken down. 

This week we will focus on 2 mains thoughts; the attributes of prayer and the perceptions of prayer. 

Attributes of Prayer

Prayer is communication with God.  It is a spiritual weapon, just like fellowship; living holy; obedience; and studying, reading and meditating on the Word. 

Prayer is an intimate place, a place of counsel, a place of transparency and honesty, and a place of freedom and liberty. 

It is during this time that we are able to communicate with the Lord and to share our deep and most inner feelings, thoughts, desires and intentions without fear that the Lord will broadcast it to the world.

Perceptions of Prayer

Many people in the world downplay prayer as just words, easy as 1…2…3, a no brainer, simply taking a chance, or sometimes even a pointless exercise.  We know that God does not hear sinners who have no heart or desire to change, but He does hear those who worship Him and those who sincerely desire to know Him.

The Saint of God knows that prayer is not as easy as 1…2…3

But rather it takes an act of our own will to be submissive, a humbling of this flesh, and many times a fight against sleep, fatigue, drama, conflict, hindrances, and laziness.

Did you know that prayer is a very powerful spiritual weapon that has been given to the church?

The irony when it comes to prayer in the church is that we always want others to pray when an issue arises, but when the church adds prayer nights to the schedule or special prayer time impromptu we are nowhere to be found.  We find so many excuses and reasons not to be there and what happens is that only the faithful few show up and sometimes even the pastors and other ministers are missing in action as well. 

What has happened to the effectiveness of the church?  We want flourishing churches with successful congregations, booming praise and worship, big money flowing in the ministry, but we don’t want to stick to the spiritual disciplines that have proven the test of time.

How far do we think we will get with lukewarm and weak praying?  How can we see true revival and deliverance in the land if we won’t even do as 2 Chronicles 7 says?

Truly we have something to ponder this week.

May we all pay attention and take heed to the spirit of God beckoning us to pray.  I pray that each of us will become more faithful and disciplined in prayer and through prayer the Lord will reveal His will to us.  

If and when you are asked to join a prayer group with other Saints say “yes”, it’s for your spiritual making and discipline and for intercession on behalf of the lost.

Check back next week for Part 2 on “Christian Responsibilities of Prayer”

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