READ: Deuteronomy 29:29, Psalm 27, 2 Chronicles 7, and Daniel 9

words | palabras | el termino | la voz | logos | rhema | peh | le mot | la parole | le terme | das wort | die Vokabel

The atmosphere is filled with words, words of life, words of death, words of contradictions, words of powers, and so forth. The ability to properly articulate words in a sentence and to comprehend the compilation of words in a story, sentence or phrase is the plumb-line of the American educational system.  In the church we have become all too mystified with words to the point where we speak words we don’t understand, we talk more than we listen, we repeat phrases we haven’t tested or experienced ourselves and we have come to respect and highly exalt the words of mere men over the Word of God.  We are still drifting away from some of the key foundations of the faith; prayer being one of them and sadly some cannot even see or feel this drifting away of the spiritual condition.

I know that I need to make prayer a greater priority. It is a true longing that I have to seek God more because He has revealed so much to me about the effectiveness of prayer and that is what I mean to share with you.

WAKE UP! There is something seriously wrong in our prayer lives. We don’t pray enough. We give God a little bit our time and part of our attention. Then we want Him to solve the problems of the world, bless us, heal us, prosper us, anoint us, and take us on to glory.  Why have God’s people become settled for being incompetent and weak when it comes to prayer?  Why do we speak words in prayer that we don’t really mean or believe? When was the last time you evaluated your own prayer life?

I remember a time when I would hear people say “those that know the words of prayer, pray my strength in the Lord”.  I often wondered what a person really meant by this statement.  Was it just another cliché or was it a real request or plea for prayer, or were they trying to sound super spiritual in their testimony.

The Lord began to deal with my heart concerning this statement and it brought me to a season where the Lord was opening my understanding concerning “the words of prayer”.  The words of prayer are truly the words that come directly from the Spirit of God; words that come from the word of God and not words manufactured by men.

When we open the Word of God, when we prostrate ourselves before the Lord in a distraction free environment, we can then give an attentive ear to hear from God.  If we always place our agenda and prayer needs as the highest priority we will never be able to clearly hear from God, nor minister to others.  Do you really feel edified and strengthened when you spend most of your prayer times throwing needs, wishes, complaints and the like before God never giving Him the consideration to be the first to initiate the conversation? And never giving God the consideration of dedicated alone time with you?

As believers in Christ we are to pray everywhere, for all people, in all things and without ceasing…and that is non-negotiable (See: Luke 18:1; 1 Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 Timothy 2:1-4, 8; and James 5:16).  Whenever you pray and wherever you pray you should expect to hear from the Lord, otherwise don’t pray and don’t waste your time speaking words that you refuse to take to the Lord in faith. In prayer we must expect change and we must expect results otherwise we are outside of the will of God.

I tell you, God has things He wants to say to you concerning your life and the lives of others.   Could it be that you or I are ignorant to the words of prayer because God can’t trust us with His revelations lest we become puffed up?  Could it be that after hearing His revelations in prayer we will still resolve to remain idle and not be the messenger He has called us to be?

Prayer is serious business; it is like loads of heavy timber strategically dropped down into the camp of the enemy. 

Now imagine for a moment a huge military aircraft dropping timber in regions of the nations where the enemies’ presence is concentrated. The one dropping the timber from the aircraft is only following instructions and has no direct control over the wind and how that timber will fall and exactly where it will land but the creator of velocity, the creator of gravity, the creator of the wind (that is God in heaven) does. In other words, it is not left up to us as to exactly how our prayers will effect change, that is God’s business, but what is left to us to decide is to actually pray or choose not to pray, to intercede or choose not to intercede, to fast or choose not to fast.

Again WAKE UP, do you not see your calling. Do you not feel the pull of God to go in your prayer closet, the pull to go into the secret place of prayer? Do you not hear or feel the shift and the clash in the Spirit realm? Do you not hear the sound in your ears of bleeding souls that are desperately lost and unaccounted for?

The words of prayer are precious and vital. They are words meant to do the following:

  1. Lead you in times and seasons of prayer.
  2. Lead you in the kind of prayer that advances ahead of the enemy and his schemes and tactics.
  3. Lead you in prayer that is specific to an individual’s or your own circumstance.
  4. Lead you in prayer and intercession for nations, cities, countries and various places that you’ve never traveled to.
  5. Open your eyes to the spiritual condition of your own heart and of others.
  6. Bring you to the level where the Spirit of God is operating.
  7. Give you perfect understanding of the word of God.
  8. Align wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His will for you and at times pertaining to others.
  9. Give you a basis from which to pray and lead your prayers into other territories by His Holy Spirit.
  10. Destroy the works of the devil, abolishing the kingdom of Satan.
  11. Strengthen, heal, deliver and make alive.
  12. Put the word of God in your mouth that if you speak, you speak as the oracles of God (1 Peter 4:11).

My prayer for you is that you become more accustomed to hearing from the Lord. I pray that you are filled with His Holy Spirit.  I pray you follow the leading of His Holy Spirit and not the leading of your own emotions and desires. I pray that you not be self-willed but that you always seek the will of God. I pray that you become a true worshiper of God. I pray that your words are backed by God because He has caused you to know the words of prayer, supplication and intercession. In the Name of Jesus.

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  1. Thanking God for this timely life changing word!!! I have been reflecting upon “Prayer” for a moment desiring to flow in the place of prayer that God would have me to!!! Thank you for allowing the Spirit of God to write through you!!! So powerful is the word and wisdom of God in this article! I plan to come back and especially read this again!

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