READ: Ezekiel 18:1-32; Matthew 18:15-35; Luke 17:1-4; Romans 12:1-21

Before we go any further let’s take some time to reflect upon the goodness of the Lord.  His goodness is multi-faceted and ageless.  SELAH

This week I would like to draw your attention back to Matthew 18 again and then to Ezekiel 18 (entire chapter).  In times like these, we can’t afford to walk in the spirit of error because it only leads to the destruction of souls.

Unforgiveness (refusing to forgive, holding on to a debt) is a sin and we know that the word of God tells us that He hates all sin.  We’ve looked at unforgiveness more like a disability or some sort of handicap that deserves some level of consideration, special treatment or accommodations however, the Lord does not see it that way.  In Ezekiel 18:4 and 20 the Lord says that “the soul that sinneth shall die” which means that every form of sin falls into that category including unforgiveness. 

It is true that in this world offenses will come, injustice will come, and tribulation will come, but it’s a sad predicament to be the one who commits such acts.  Unforgiveness is an offense to God and an injustice to others. 

Forgiveness is Available

When reading both Ezekiel 18 and Matthew 18 the Lord is showing us that He is a merciful, patient, loving and forgiving God and not unjust or unrighteous as men are.  I am so thankful that my parents and children’s sins aren’t imputed to me and that likewise mine aren’t imputed to them if it were so, what a hopeless state the entire world would be in; as there would be no forgiveness of sin.  It may seem strange or out of context to some but read further into these scriptures because He is speaking to us today.  If the Lord is gracious enough to forgive the sins of individual people and to weigh their life in the balance; then who are we to exalt ourselves and our issues above the standards written in the Word? 

…let me make it plain, if God who is rich in mercy can forgive then why can’t we?  What authority do we have to take vengeance for wrongdoing into our own hands when He has told us “Vengeance is mine; I will repay—Romans 12:19”?   

Binding and Loosing

Have we altogether misunderstood the principle of binding and loosing in the context of forgiveness where in Matthew 18:18-20, He is teaching a point that if we choose to hold onto the sins of others that this thing will be bound (knit, tied) in heaven just as it is on earth and likewise if we loose (release, put off or forgive) it will also be the same in heaven?  This is the message he was teaching Peter about forgiveness and the ultimate effect of it with the parable of the unjust servant following in the same chapter.  We must understand that if we are to be forgiven, we must forgive others from the heart.  It has to be real, genuine and sincere.

We can’t effectively minister in the areas of ministry to which He has called us to when we are bound to unforgiveness, else it becomes like a person carrying a contagious virus refusing to take antibiotics and choosing to spread their germs to others around them ultimately infecting them.

How to Reveal or Discover Unforgiveness

Immerse yourself in the reading and hearing of the Word of God, and likewise allow yourself to be exposed more to His light…it brings truth and conviction. Pay attention and listen to conversations and our reactions…unforgiveness triggers serious reactions sometimes to extreme measures such as rising blood pressure.
Write down your thoughts and feelings about the situation and ask yourself does this produce the righteousness of God and His love in me? Ask yourself or the person you are trying to help point blank, why am I or you feeling this way? What are the reasons? When did this happen? Who did this to you or me? Is it really worth living with?

 How to Begin the Process of Forgiveness

The Word of God is the prescription to answer all problems and let us never forget that.   It teaches us to love God first and then love our neighbors.  If your relationship with the Lord is not right, there is no way that your relationships with others can be healthy.   

We must all start in this process by establishing a proper relationship with the Lord, which can be achieved biblically by:

  1. Praying to God and seeking His counsel;
  2. Continuing to read, study and meditate upon the Word;
  3. Making your confession to God (admission of your own faults and sins);
  4. Repenting and turning from sin;
  5. Having humility of mind and a willingness to forgive (Proverbs 24:17-18 & 25:21-22);
  6. Remembering that you are a new creation when you have been born again and casting off that old man (2 Corinthian 5:17)

Let us remember to pray for one another in this journey…it may take some of us longer to get the deliverance we so desperately need!!

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